

We fit a wide range of hearing aids. Hearing aid brands include: Widex, Sivantos, Oticon and Phonak. We also fit assistive devices such as TV streaming devices and FM systems. Our practice is one of a few selected practices to fit implantable devices such as bone anchored hearing aids and other devices for conductive hearing losses. We are also part of the Bloemfontein Cochlear Implant Programme and the South African Cochlear Implant Group.

Hearing aid fittings are performed on adults as well as the paediatric population. After the initial hearing aid fitting a follow up session is performed within 2 weeks to ensure client satisfaction and comfort. In most cases a hearing aid trail is first performed to ensure proper candidacy and client satisfaction. To insure that our client is well informed on the amount that will be covered by their medical aid for hearing aids, we first obtain authorization on behalf of the client.

Speech Therapy

We treat a wide range of communication difficulties in the paediatric and adult population.

Paediatric communication difficulties that are being treated include: articulation problems, late talkers, receptive and expressive language delay, apraxia of speech, stuttering, phonological disorders, autism, auditory processing disorders, reading and spelling difficulties, language therapy for children with hearing loss, feeding problems, voice problems.

Adult communication difficulties include: aphasia, dysphagia, stuttering and voice problems and communication difficulties associated with neurological disorders.

Auditory-Verbal Therapy

Ilouise le Roux was trained in 2010 by Warren Estabrooks in the Auditory Verbal Approach. This type of therapy is used to guide and coach parents of children with hearing loss to develop spoken language and listening skills. She is currently being mentored by Karen McIver Lux to qualify for the AGBELL LSL exam.

Prompt Therapy

PROMPT therapy is used with a wide range of children and adults who have motor speech disorders, articulation problems or are non-verbal children


This is the study of hearing and balance systems and disorders relating to these systems.  Audiologists test, diagnose and manage hearing losses and balance disorders. By conducting a variety of specialized tests, an audiologist aims to establish if the patient is able to hear within the normal range, and if not, which part of the ear (outer, middle, inner or auditory nerve) is affected.

The audiologist is then able to find out to what extent the different portions of the frequency range (low, medium or high pitched sounds) have been affected. The audiologist also determines the impact that this hearing problem has on the patient’s ability to hear speech in quiet and in noise. We can then advise on proper management of the hearing loss. At our practice we screen babies for hearing loss at birth, using objective non-invasive equipment. We also offer full diagnostic assessments for children and adults. Our Audiology practice is based in Medi-Clinic Bloemfontein where we work closely with Ear, Nose and Throat (ENT) specialists.

We conduct diagnostic hearing tests at 28 Brebner Street, Mediclinic Room 104 and Life Rosepark G12.

Online Therapy/Tele-Therapy

Online therapy or tele-therapy was approved by South Africa’s medical aids and professional boards during 2020 as a certified service to patients. It provides a safe form of service during the COVID-19 Pandemic and ensures that patients still receive professional services during lockdown regulations. As an added benefit online therapy is cost effective for our patients that does not reside in Bloemfontein. Patients reported that it saves travelling costs and their children responded better in the session because they are in their natural environment and not tired due to traveling. Parents are involved and use what they have in their homes and the guidelines and resources provided per email by the therapist before the sessions. We use Zoom as a platform and patients can use their phones or computers to attend the session virtually. Our team invested in training and equipment to broaden our services in this field and receive positive feedback from our patients.

The people who have trusted us so far