Ek wil net vir julle met n dankbare mamma hart dankie sê vir julle vriendelikheid. Ons was so gemaklik by julle. Dohan het dit so geniet en so baie geleer. Baie dankie vir al julle geduld en liefde. Cornelia dankie vir alles, Dohan gaan jou verseker baie mis. Ek sal enige iemand aanbeveel om julle te kies. “Feels like home when you’re not at home”… Dankie!
Welcome to Ilouise le Roux Audiologists

Your Best Result is Our Promise
Any parent can improve their child’s behaviour, language or learning abilities. At our practice, we understand how difficult it is to seek help for your child, yourself or even a loved-one struggling with a communication difficulty or hearing related problem.
At Ilouise le Roux, we help you to improve your quality of life significantly. Our patients choose us for treating them with dignity, professionalism and empathy and we are renowned for our ability to achieve monumental shifts in positive outcomes for you.
Why People Choose Us…
Exceptional service, very welcoming environment.
Ilouise Le Roux en haar span is briljant in audiologie wat beide gehoor en spraakterapie betref.
Hulle is ook akademies uitstekend en sal hulle enige tyd aanbeveel.
Ilouise and her team will leave no stone unturned to ensure the best outcome for their patients. Their passion, commitment and love for what they do is obvious in the way they approach each family. I am proud to be associated with them and the excellent service they deliver.
Marlé is ons 6 jarige dogtertjie en in Gr 1! Ons pad het in Junie 2018 met Christine en Ilouise gekruis! Marlé het 3 keer in haar kort lewetjie grommets gekry en na die laaste keer het ons aan Dr. Johan Grobbelaar genoem dat ons agter kom dat Marlé sukkel om te hoor!! Ons het haar ore laat toets by Christine en sy het agter gekom dat Marlé nie ‘n gehoorprobleem het nie, maar ‘n klankprobleem!! Na baie navorsing en baie telefoonoproepe en eposse tot oorsee het Christine en Ilouise op die regte apperate vir Marlé se oortjies gekom!!
Ons liefste dogtertjie doen so goed in die skool en akademie is nie ‘n uitdaging nie!!
Dankie aan Christine en Ilouise dat julle ons dogtertjie se lewe vergemaklik het!!
It was a very pleasant experience to have my hearing tested and hearing aid fitted at the firm of Ilouise le Roux.
The hearing test and the fitting of the hearing aid was done in a very professional and friendly manner.
Furthermore they handled and completed all matters regarding my medical aid so that I did not need to contact the medical aid even when they had queries.
Professioneel, kundige en vriendelike diens.
Friendly and Professional.
My dogtertjie was meer as 2 jaar by Ilouise vir spraak. Ons het baie meer as n spraakterapeut gekry. Sy leer n mamma om beter te verstaan waar deur ń kind gaan wat gehoorgestremd is. Sy leer vir jou so baie wat jy as ouer kan doen om te help met die huiswerk en nog baie meer.
Moedverloor se vlakte, dis waar ons was 3 jaar terug toe ons dogtertjie op 2 gediagnoseer was met gehoor verlies. Ons was verwys na Ilouise. Sy’t soveel wonderwerke met ons dogtertjie verrig. Ek het nooit gedink dat sy so baie woorde op 5jaar sal kan praat nie. Ilouise gee al die regte gereedskap vir ouers om die kinders se pad makliker te maak. Sy het ons so baie gehelp en ek is so bitter dankbaar vir dit wat sy al gedoen het vir ons dogtertjie en ook vir ons. Ilouise is nou ʼn lid van ons gesin. Haar oor is altyd daar vir ons en sy help graag waar sy kan. Dankie is n klein woordjie vir haar groot hart en behulpsaamheid en als wat sy vir ons doen.
We Transform Lives
Are you concerned about your own
or a family member’s hearing?
Are you starting to avoid noisy environments?
Turning up the volume to a level that others complain?
Asking for repetition more often and wondering why
so many people mumble?
Are you a concerned parent when it comes to your child’s speech or academic performance?
Do you feel worried when you hear how other
children his/her age speak?
Do you want your child to reach his full potential?
We are experts in diagnostic audiology in Bloemfontein. We perform hearing tests that determine the extent and possible reason for hearing loss in adults and children. A wide range of hearing aids and assistive hearing devices are provided as treatment options. Our practice is set up in a unique way that ensures immediate communication with Ear- Nose and throat specialists to treat patients as a multi- disciplinary team. This ensures the best level of care to our patients.
Speech Therapy
We are the renowned experts in speech therapy in Bloemfontein with a unique track record of getting results when it comes to your child’s speech and language development needs. We quickly evaluate the age-appropriate levels your child needs to achieve, and we focus on those areas requiring attention. With hard-work and commitment from the parents, your child will be on track in their language goals which will set the tone and foundation for their academic performance in future.